GL_VERSION: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 22.3.5 GL_RENDERER: zink Vulkan 1.3(PowerVR B-Series BXT-32-1024 (IMAGINATION_PROPRIETARY)) Such a lack should not be taken to imply anything about the relative quality of such implementations of older OpenGL versions. A lack of submission results for OpenGL 4.3 or earlier implementations means only that such implementations do not fall into the range for which Adopters are required to make conformance submissions to Khronos. Windows-based PC with mouse or similar input device CPU: Intel Core i5 or better, AMD Ryzen 5 or better Graphics card: Compatible with OpenGL 3.3 or later. for OpenGL 3.3 or higher your graphics card driver is older than spported.

Thompson, The system you have has Intel HD Graphics (Arrandale) and supports OGL up to version 1.2. Khronos introduced an Adopter program for OpenGL implementations starting with OpenGL 4.4, and Adopters are only required to submit conformance test results for implementations of OpenGL 4.4 and later versions. Some graphics cards, such as NVIDIA, may also have their own control panel. The solution to support Higher OpenGL version is upgrade the Intel Graphics controller by changing to a new platform.